The Combined Hollywood Districts is a group of men and women dedicated to carrying the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Just like you, we care that our local community remains strong and vital so that all who suffer from alcoholism may continue to find and receive the help they need.
Our Purpose
The Combined Hollywood Districts is a group of men and women dedicated to carrying the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Just like you, we care that our local community remains strong and vital so that all who suffer from alcoholism may continue to find and receive the help they need.
Combined Hollywood Districts meets this aim through participation and discussion during monthly district meetings on topics of interest or concern to our groups and their representatives, coordinating service-related events such as workshops and presentations of service-related topics, as well as communicating with other districts, AA service office, and 12-step service committees such as Public Information and Literature.
How We Can Help
District Events
Combined Hollywood Districts hosts events that are specific to the needs of the groups we support - with topics ranging from Leadership at A.A. meetings, to Crisis Management for Group Conflicts, and Safety in A.A.
Group Conscience
A group conscience is a unity-building process that helps your meeting find a common solution to questions or problems that arise. Its goal is to bring about consensus in which all voices are heard in a safe environment.
Group Inventory
A group inventory is a broader, more exploratory process in which your group discusses the meeting's overall strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. This serves to bring a singleness of purpose and many groups find it vital to their growth and progress - much the same way that the 4th Step inventory helps the individual.
Contact Combined Hollywood District
Our Monthly Meetings usually meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Currently, we are meeting on Zoom.
We represent districts 9, 10, 56 & 58. Find your district on the map here.
Mailing Address:
The Combined Hollywood Districts
PO Box 480993
Los Angeles, CAÂ 90048